Susmita SadanaSusmita Sadana, PhD, MS, RDN, LD
Assistant Professor Practice

Division of Health Sciences

1198 Graves Hall
333 W. 10th Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Professional Areas of Interest

  • Perceptions about Health and Cancer in the Asian Indian Population in the US
  • Diabetes Education 


Dr. Sadana transitioned from the Humanities to the study of Nutrition and Medical Dietetics inspired by her personal experience with winning the “South Asian Genetic Lottery.” Specifically, she was impressed by the role played by medical nutrition therapy in mitigating the risks associated with hyperlipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes.  Her research interests focus on diabetes education, understanding how specific foods and dietary pattern affect post-prandial blood sugars.

Dr. Sadana also explores perceptions, attitudes and beliefs in the Asian Indian population in the US about health, cancer and diabetes. 

Recent Publications

Sadana, S., Spees, C., & Taylor, C. (2023). Perceived impact of dietary patterns on cancer among Asian Indians living in us. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 55(7), 11.

Sadana, S., Madril, P., & Taylor, C. (2021). P12 do we even have cancer: Cultural beliefs about health and cancer among Asian Indians. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(7), S29. 

Recent Presentations

Presentation, Dietary Support for Diabetes. Pranamyra Integrative Illness. Columbus, Ohio. (February 2024). 

Presentation. Understanding Desi Diabetes®. American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Central Ohio. Educational Series. Columbus, Ohio.  (December 2023). 

Presentation. Understanding Diabetes: Why are we so sweet? Dublin Community Recreational Center. Dublin, Ohio (November 2023) 

Presentation. Perceived Impact of Dietary Patterns on Cancer Among Asian Indians Living in US. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, International Conference. Washington D.C. (July 2023) 


  • 2021, MS, Coordinated Graduate Program in Dietetics, The Ohio State University 
  • 2004, PhD, Russian Literature, The Ohio State University

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