Assistant Professor, Clinical
Director of Clinical Education, Division of Athletic Training
246B Atwell Hall
453 W. 10th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Email: long.1915@osu.edu
Professional Areas of Interest
- Cultural Competency & Diversity in Health Care Professions
- Admission and Retention
- Clinical Teaching and Interprofessional Education
- Professional Socialization
Samar Long joined the Athletic Training Division as Clinical Coordinator at The Ohio State University in August 2014. Before coming to Ohio State, she served as the Clinical Coordinator and Interim Program Director of the Athletic Training program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She is engaged in professional service within the athletic training community through the National Athletic Trainers Association, Great Lakes Athletic Training Association, Ohio Athletic Trainers Association, Journal of Athletic Training, and the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. Additionally, Samar serves the university community through committee work centered on clinical education, interprofessional education, and DEIJ.
As the director of clinical education, Samar is the liaison between the Athletic Training program and clinical affiliate sites on and off-campus. She is responsible for clinical affiliate agreements, clinical education policy development, preceptor recruitment, new student onboarding, and professional student compliance. In collaboration with the assistant director of clinical education, she also develops student assessment, preceptor training, and the placement and evaluation of students in their clinical fieldwork experiences.
Courses Taught
Primary teaching responsibilities include clinical skills, practicum, and clinical experience courses for all levels of professional athletic training students.
Recent Research
Harris NA, Long S. Racial and ethnic disparities in pain management. Clin Pract Athl Train. 2021;4(1):43-56. https://doi.org/10.31622/2021/0004.1.6
Lopez RM, Long S, Moffit DM, Crossway AK. Intersectionality: The role of the athletic trainer in providing culturally competent patient-centered care. Clinal Pract Athl Train. 2021;4(1):8-16. https://doi.org/10.31622/2021/0004.1.2Education
- 2006: BS, Athletic Training, Barry University
- 2008: MSEd, Athletic Training, Old Dominion University
- 2022: EdD, Higher Education and Student Affairs, The Ohio State University