DiGiovine Carmen 825x990Carmen P. DiGiovine, PhD, ATP/SMS, RET
Professor - Clinical

Division of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program
Health Sciences Program
M Status


(614) 292-1525

443 Atwell Hall
453 W. 10th Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Professional Areas of Interest

  • Rehabilitation Engineering
  • Assistive Technology
  • Seating and Wheeled Mobility
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Dr. Carmen DiGiovine is clinical professor in the Occupational Therapy Division in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State University. As a rehabilitation engineer and assistive technology professional (ATP), Dr. DiGiovine’s professional goal is to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities through the application of science and technology.  He accomplishes through his research, teaching, and service activities. Dr. DiGiovine’s research focuses on the implementation of assistive technology devices and services, with a focus on seating and wheeled mobility (SWM) and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). As the program director for the Assistive and Rehabilitative Technology Certificate (ARTC) program, his teaching activities focus on online assistive technology courses. Finally, his professional service activities focus on the amplification of evidence-based practice through his involvement as a volunteer leader in the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA).

Recent Publications

  • Culter Harris, K., Frick Semmler, B. J., Anderson, S., Mance, E., Stojkov, A., Metzler, S., & DiGiovine, C. P. (2024). Innovative solutions to support individuals with disabilities accessing public transportation: A case study. Assistive Technology, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2024.2305977
  • Bean, A., Harris, K., Kim, H., DiGiovine, C., & Sonntag, A. M. (2023). A scoping review of communication outcomes measures in augmentative and alternative communication. Assistive Technology, 0(0), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2023.2251041
  • Bean, A., Zezinka, J., DiGiovine, C., Sonntag, A. M., & Case, M. (2023). A retrospective chart review of the patient population accessing augmentative & alternative communication at an urban assistive technology center. Assistive Technology, 0(0), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2023.2224410
  • Betz, M., DiGiovine, C. P., Galbreath, P., Stojkov, A., Berner, T., Hibbs, R., & Schein, R. M. (2022). Service delivery for complex rehabilitation technology: A scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 17(8), 853–871. https://doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2022.2111609
  • DiGiovine, C. P., Donahue, M., Bahr, P., Bresler, M., Klaesner, J., Pagadala, R., Burkhardt, B., & Grott, R. (2023). Rehabilitation engineers, technologists, and technicians: Vital members of the assistive technology team. Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA, 35(1), 23–34. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2018.1454713

Recent Presentations

  • Marsh S, DiGiovine CP, Zhao M, Boccardi A, Wu A, Hess B, Mhatre A. “Correlating Wheelchair Usage And Failure Measures For Developing A Wheelchair Maintenance Technology.” In: RESNA 2023 Annual Conference. Arlington, VA: RESNA (Jul 2023)
  • Chan S, Parachini J, Beauregard T, DiGiovine CP. “Stakeholder Satisfaction with Complex Rehabilitation Technology Maintenance and Repairs.” In: RESNA 2023 Annual Conference. Arlington, VA: RESNA (Jul 2023)
  • Schmeler MR, DiGiovine CP, Schein RM, Hibbs R. “Steps Taken into the Assessment and Investigation of an Equitable Wheelchair Coverage Policy.” Presented at 2023 RESNA Conference. (Jul 2023)
  • Schmeler MR, Schein RM, DiGiovine CP. “Assessment and Investigation of an Equitable Wheelchair Coverage Policy.” Presented at 2023 Heartland Conference. (Jun 2023)

Major Awards and Honors

  • 2023, RESNA Fellow, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
  • June 2015 - Samuel McFarland Mentorship Award - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA), Arlington, VA
  • May 2014 - Courage to Teach, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University


  • 2001: PhD, Bioengineering - University of Pittsburgh
  • 2000: M.S., Bioengineering - University of Pittsburgh
  • 2000: Certificate in Rehabilitation Engineering - University of Pittsburgh
  • 1995: B.S., General Engineering, Option in Bioengineering - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

My Links

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Rehabilitation Engineering Design (RED) Lab