The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) in conjunction with the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, is proud to offer a clinical residency program for physical therapists interested in pursuing a career in cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy. The residency program was granted candidacy status and is seeking full accreditation by the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
The program spans 13 months beginning each year in July-August, and offers high quality clinical, educational, and research opportunities to prepare physical therapists to become board certified cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy specialists.
Residents have the unique opportunity to treat and observe patients with diverse and complex cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders across the lifespan, from neonatal to geriatric, intensive care to outpatient cardiac/pulmonary rehabilitation at OSUWMC. This position also includes teaching responsibilities of entry-level cardiopulmonary rehab course in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Physical Therapy. Residents also participate in clinical research and complete a case study during their residency year.
The mission of the program is to prepare clinicians to become specialty certified with advanced knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors in the field of cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy, thereby improving the lives of patients. Graduates will exemplify professionalism, empathy, compassion, accountability, altruism, integrity, collaboration, ethical conduct, and social responsibility and will shape the future of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy through their leadership and excellence as practitioners, educators, and clinical researchers who practice based on current evidence.
Compensation and Benefits
Program participants are employed full time by the OSUMC, including a benefits package. Participants do not pay tuition.
- Must be eligible for physical therapy licensure in the state of Ohio by our program start date (new graduates must sit for April board exam)
- Must be eligible for full time employment within the OSUWMC Acute Rehabilitation services
- Must meet application deadlines with complete materials (see link to RF-PTCAS application below)
- APTA membership required throughout the program duration
To apply, candidates should complete the application through the APTA’s centralized application system RF-PTCAS.
Curricular Map
Applications will be accepted from October 1st until February 30 (due date subject to change, see RF-PTCAS for current deadline). Top candidates will be interviewed on the Ohio State campus. The application should be completed through APTA's centralized application system RF-PTCAS.
Contact Us
Cristiane Meirelles, PT, PhD
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy
Assistant Professor - Clinical
Director of the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Residency Program