Donate online

If you would like to make a contribution to the division's development fund, you can donate online by adding Health Information Management and Systems to your gift list on Ohio State's donation website, designating an amount and then checking out. 
Donate online

Donate by mail

Donate by mail by sending your gift to: 

The Ohio State University Foundation
Attn: Gift Processing
14 E. 15th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201

In the memo line for your check, please be sure to note: HIMS Fund 307983. 

Your contribution to the division is greatly appreciated. Your gift will go towards supporting the program's efforts in education, research, training, equipment, lectures and HIMS software needs.

Donate by phone 

To give by phone, please call 1-800-762-5646 and provide the HIMS Fund number, 307983.

Other options to donate 

Interested in directing or increasing your impact, please contact Emily Fijol at to learn about more ways to give.