Professional Organizations

The best way to start networking with people in your career is to get involved with professional organizations. Below are a few of the professional organizations associated with medical laboratory science. Many of the organizations have student memberships for significantly reduced prices. Most students in medical laboratory science opt to join more general organizations that don't specify a particular discipline such as ASCLS and ASCP.

Clinical Sites

Students in the certification track perform a clinical internship (guaranteed placement) the final semester of the program.  The internship is comprised of rotations in each of the five primary disciplines of clinical laboratory science (chemistry, immunology, transfusion medicine, microbiology, and hematology). The student works under the supervision of a practicing medical laboratory scientist to apply the theoretical knowledge and laboratory skills learned in the academic setting to the clinical setting. The following is a list of our current clinical affiliates.

**Students can perform the clinical internship only at facilities that have a signed affiliate agreement with The Ohio State University. Students are assigned to clinical sites by the faculty of the Medical Laboratory Science Division. Preliminary site assignments are made spring of the first year of the program. Final site assignments are made autumn of the second year of the program. Students are not guaranteed placement at local or commutable sites. Students must be prepared for the possibility of relocation for this six-week period.

All students are required to read and follow all of the policies and procedures outlined in the Clinical Intern Manual 

Facilities Available for Clinical Internships