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Undergraduate Program Guide

Graduate Program Guide


Current course offerings are listed below. Coursework can be taken in any order for HIMS 5635, 5650, and 5550, but HIMS 5700 can only be taken after completing all other courses. Course offerings are subject to change. 

HIMS 5635 (3) - Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Health Care*
Continuous quality management measures and tools including patient safety and satisfaction, regulatory requirements, benchmarking, causal analysis, outcomes, clinical guidelines and pathways, risk management and utilization review.

HIMS 5650 (3) - Information Technology*
In depth analysis of patient, administrative and financial information systems and management practices to support systems. Emphasis on government involvement in health information technology and information exchanges. 

HIMS 5550 (3) – Human Factors in Health Care*
Students learn human factors theories and concepts that are used in developing interventions to improve patient safety. Emphasis on formative evaluation methodologies and implementation science theory.

HIMS 5700 (3) – Project in Health Information Management and Systems*
Students apply theoretical knowledge acquired from the certificate program to a project that closely resembles what would be done in a realistic work environment. During the project, students apply critical thinking skills to solve a real-world problem, from assessing the problem itself to applying suitable and appropriate methods to generate one or more solutions to the problem. 

*Availability of coursework subject to change.