Respiratory Therapy at Ohio State is a traditional baccalaureate undergraduate major, resulting in a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
The program is two years of general studies emphasizing science followed by two years of RT courses which include a variety of clinical experiences and the opportunity to develop specialized and leadership skills.
The Respiratory Therapy major professional coursework begins in Autumn Year three. The professional curriculum is full time, highly structured with academic and clinical courses scheduled in sequence and offered once each year. Each term is prerequisite to the next term.
4320 Components of Respiratory Health and Disease U 4
A study of normal respiratory mechanisms, manifestations and treatment of respiratory diseases, their clinical courses with specific consideration for the basis of respiratory therapeutics.
Prereq: Admission to RespTher. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 320 or 480.
4400 Basic Respiratory Care U 5
Study and clinical application of theories, procedures, and equipment utilized in delivering, monitoring, and evaluating basic respiratory therapeutics to patients in the hospital setting.
Prereq: Admission to RespTher. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 400 or 489.20.
4410 Introduction to Clinical Respiratory Care U 4
An orientation to the profession, consideration of professional ethics, introduction to basic cardiopulmonary assessment and life support techniques, infection control, medical record, hospital environment, and role of the Respiratory Therapist.
Prereq: Admission to RespTher. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 410.
4430 Evaluation of Respiratory Function U 5
Study of methods, instrumentation, standards and clinical applications of pulmonary function testing and arterial blood gas analysis with emphasis on quality assurance.
Prereq: Admission to RespTher. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 430, 450, or 489.20.
4475 Mechanical Ventilation U 5
Study of various mechanical ventilators and artificial airways, with major emphasis placed on all aspects of the management of the patient-ventilator system.
Prereq: 4320, 4400, 4410, and 4430. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 475 or 476.
4489 Clinical Experience Phase I U 2
Clinical application of basic respiratory therapeutics, intensive respiratory care, and arterial blood gas analysis.
Prereq: 4320, 4400, 4410, and 4430. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 489.20 or 489.30.
4500 Respiratory Therapy for Special Populations U 5
Theories, procedures, and equipment applicable to the delivery of respiratory therapy to special populations, including the neonatal, pediatric, home care, sleep, community, rehabilitation, and long-term acute care patient.
Prereq: 4320, 4400, 4410, and 4430. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 420 or 500.
4515 Intensive Respiratory Care U 3
The etiology, manifestations, and treatment of respiratory failure including principles, techniques and equipment associated with advanced cardiopulmonary monitoring and cardiac life support.
Prereq: 4320, 4400, 4410, and 4430. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 515.
4589 Clinical Experience Phase II U 3-10
Clinical application of adult, neonatal, and pediatric intensive respiratory care; home, continuing, and long-term acute respiratory care; pulmonary rehabilitation; endotracheal intubation.
Prereq: 4489, 4475, 4500, and 4515. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 489.40.
4593 Individual Studies in Respiratory Therapy U 1-5
Guided study of topics or pursuit of individual experiences in respiratory therapy.
Prereq: 4689, 5525, and 5600. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 593. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U.
4689 Introduction to Advanced Clinical Practice Phase I U 2
Clinical education and experiences in respiratory therapy competency assurance, alternate care settings, and critical care.
Prereq: 4589. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 489.50 or 589. This course is graded S/U.
4789 Introduction to Advanced Clinical Practice Phase II U 5
Clinical education and experience in respiratory therapy education, administration of respiratory services, and areas of advanced professional practice.
Prereq: 4689, 5525, and 5600. Not open to students with credit for RespTher 589. This course is graded S/U.
4895 Seminar U
Conferences, group discussion, and presentations of selected topics.
Prereq: Admission to RespTher. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U.
5520 Issues in Respiratory Care U G 2
An analysis of current administrative, legal, regulatory, and professional issues which influence the administration of respiratory care services and therapists.
Prereq: 5525, 4689, and 5600, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 520.
5525 Teaching & Learning Respiratory Therapy U G 2
Principles and practice of teaching and learning in respiratory therapy. Various education roles and strategies of respiratory therapists in academic, community and clinical settings.
Prereq: 4589, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 525.
5600 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Research U G 2
Survey of research problems, methods, and designs utilized in respiratory care, with emphasis on data collection, analysis, and presentation.
Prereq: 4589, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 593, 600, and AlliMed 680.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 2500
Medical Terminology for the Health Professions U 3
Terminology and abbreviations pertaining to: anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostic processes/ procedures and medical/surgical interventions by body system.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 500 and HIMS 500. This course is available for EM credit.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 5300
Management Principles and Human Resources for Health Care Professionals U G 3
An analysis of the management and human resources processes and its application to the health care setting.
Prereq: Admission to AMP or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 630.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 5370
U.S. Healthcare Policy and Delivery System U G 3
An examination of healthcare delivery and current issues including history, policy, government regulations, legislation, politics, financing, accessibility, workforce and ethics.
Prereq: Soph or Jr standing, and admission to AMP; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 591 and HIMS 525.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 5510
Pharmacological Aspects of Practice in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences U G 2
Fundamentals of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug law, selected medications and treatment methods utilized by allied health professionals. Prior completion of AlliMed 5500 is recommended.
Prereq: Chem 1210 (121), and EEOB 2520 (232) or Physio 3101 (PhysioCB 311); or Grad standing; or permission of instructor.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 5500
Introduction to Pathophysiology U G 4
Fundamental concepts of pathophysiology including etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of major body system disorders.
Prereq: EEOB 2520 (232) or Physio 3102 (PhysioCB 312); or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 505 and 506.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 5900
Health Sciences Research: Interpretation and Applications U G 3
Overview of research in the Health Sciences. This course is intended to prepare students to be educated consumers of research and to enable them to find, understand, interpret, and apply research findings in their professional practice. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 680.01.