Another way a student for students to graduate with special designation from the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is by completing an Undergraduate Research Thesis.  Conducting a thesis is a process of gaining an exposure to the research process while developing, performing and evaluating a research project under the guidance of an HRS faculty.  A student does not need to be a member of the Honors program to complete an Undergraduate Research Thesis.

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Jill Clutter at

Requirements to Graduate with Distinction:

  • Primary advisor within HRS (tenure-track, clinical, research or auxiliary faculty).
  • Upon Graduation: Overall GPA above 3.0, Major GPA >3.5
  • Present final project at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum (or equivalent forum)
  • Complete 4 hours of Honors Research (HRS 4998H or 4998)
  • Successful oral defense of thesis project

The typical timeframe for completing the process is to identify a research mentor, finalize the topic and develop the thesis proposal during the junior year.  More detailed steps are provided in the thesis proposal development section.  Upon completion of the thesis proposal (and approval by the Honors Director for meeting guidelines), the student will host a proposal meeting to discuss and refine the research project with his or her primary research mentor and a secondary committee member who lends complementary expertise to the research process.  Students who host their proposal meeting prior to the last day of spring semester will be eligible for the HRS Research Scholarship for the following year.