D. Michele Basso

  • The cellular and molecular mechanisms of sensory and motor recovery after SCI.
  • Identifying the role of inflammatory mechanisms in impeding exercise-induced improvements in function after SCI
  • Developing rehabilitative therapies that promote recovery of mobility.

Google ScholarThe Basso Lab 


John Buford

Neuroscience; Motor Control;

  • Identify neurophysiological mechanisms of the motor control systems in the brain, specifically the corticospinal and reticulospinal systems and how they interact for the control of reaching.
  • Biomechanics of movement

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Carmen DiGiovine

Assistive Technology; Rehabilitation Engineering

  • Study the application of science and technology to improve the quality of the life of the individuals with disabilities.
  • Identify the role of nutrition and wheelchair seating systems on the development of pressure ulcers,
  • Determine the effect of wheelchair rugby on the overall health of the shoulder
  • Asses the assistive technology service delivery process through the use of the outcome measures.
  • Expand the role of rehabilitation engineering in the field of assistive technology.

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Brittany Hand

Health Outcomes; Quality of Care

  • Health services and outcomes research
  • Quantitative research methodology and data analytics
  • Development and validation of patient reported outcome measures

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Jill Heathcock

Pediatrics; Neuroscience, Cerebral Palsy

  • Optimize motor function and development of young children with CP. Sensory/motor Impairment.
  • Outcome measures to define disease progression in spinal muscular atrophy

Research Gate PEARL Lab


Deb Kegelmeyer

Neuroscience; Aging

  • Study the role of Neurodegenerative Diseases in balance, gait and other functions
  • Determine the onset and severity of mobility issues in individuals with Huntington's disease and Lewy Body Dementia
  • Create and test mobility and exercise interventions in aging individuals or those who have neurodegenerative disease.

Google Scholar MEND Lab 


Anne Kloos

Neuroscience; Degenerative Diseases

  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Determining effective interventions to ameliorate balance and gait impairments and prevent falls in individuals with Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Examine the effects of interventions such as the use of rollator walkers, playing the videogame Dance Dance Revolution, treadmill walking, and administration of the anti-choreic medication tetrabenazine on balance and gait measures.
  • Create and test targeted interventions to improve or maintain balance and gait functions through intensive training or medication to induce neuroplastic changes rather than through compensation.

Google Scholar  MEND Lab


Deborah Larsen

Neuroscience; MRI; Brain Processing; Stroke

  • The impact of CNS injury, rehabilitation methods, and natural recovery on neural networks and reorganization.
  • The impact of sensory and cognitive dysfunction and secondary neural reorganization on functional and quality of life outcomes in patients post-stroke.
  • Preparing professional students to work as interdisciplinary teams to provide healthcare services to at risk populations, living in poverty.

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Lindy Weaver

Youth, Anxiety

  • Improving and providing evidence-based care that maximizes protective factors and facilitates personal growth among underserved or stigmatized youth
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